BTC Wallet

Get Started 

Introduction to Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency that operates on a peer-to-peer network and uses a PoW consensus algorithm. Bitcoin is not led by any centralized organizations, but maintains a common, trusted ledger through blockchain technology and encryption algorithms. Every bitcoin transfer will be recorded by all the miners of the network, and the validity of each transaction is verified by each block.

On October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a White Paper entitled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. The first Bitcoin block was unleashed on January 3, 2009. Learn More


BTC Wallet

A BTC wallet can help manage your BTC assets, including balance inquiry, transfer, etc. The most important thing in the wallet is the private key. Because you can control all the assets in the BTC wallet address with your private key.

In order to protect the privacy of users, the BTC wallet provides two types of addresses: main address and child address. At the same time, there are two types of toggle addresses: SegWit and General.  


  • imToken on mobile - Provides secure and trusted digital asset management services to millions of users in more than 200 countries and regions around the world
  • imKey Hardware wallet - Safe and easy to use, protect your digital asset and say no to token theft from now on! 

🔸Please learn how to make a backup before creating a wallet


Bitcoin Trading

You can get BTC in various ways. The easiest way is to buy. There are many cryptocurrency exchanges on the market that allow you to buy BTC, but users need to choose the preferred exchange according to location and payment method.

Before buying BTC, try to understand the purchase methods & risks here, so that you can complete the purchase process in a safer and quicker way.

🔸Exchanges that support the purchase of BTC

  • Coinbase
  • Binance
  • Huobi
  • ...



Bitcoin trading 

You can trade your BTC assets through both decentralized platforms or centralized platforms.

🔸Decentralized Exchange Tokenlon

Tokenlon is a decentralized exchange powered by 0x protocol. It aims to offer a seamless trading experience with fast speed, competitive price and more token options.  The trading assets are completely controlled by users, and you can use Tokenlon to quickly complete currency exchange without topping up or withdrawing.

Tokenlon currently issues imBTC. imBTC is an Ethereum Token issued with a 1:1 anchor to BTC. Unlike BTC, the holder can transfer, redeem, exchange imBTC as well as receive an income share of the Tokenlon platform fees while holding imBTC. Learn More

🔸Centralized Exchange

The exchange acts as a custodian to provide a valuable service with liquidity, featuring low learning costs and high matching efficiency.

  • Binance
  • Huobi


Bitcoin Transaction

Please make sure that your BTC wallet has sufficient assets and the balance is enough to cover the miner fees required for the transfer.

🔸How do Bitcoin transactions work:

🔸You may encounter the following conditions: 


Bitcoin Mining

Anyone can participate in Bitcoin mining. The essence of mining is to process transactions by calculating hashes, to ensure the security of the Bitcoin main network and to keep the account information of the entire network consistent.



Bitcoin Creator

Satoshi Nakamoto, claimed to be Japanese-American, released the Bitcoin white paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" in 2008. He mined the genesis block of Bitcoin in 2009. He has disappeared from the public eye and has become a "mystery" forever. Learn More

🔸Related Anecdote

Why was Satoshi Nakamoto born on April 5, 1975?


Bitcoin Related Features


Bitcoin Price


Bitcoin Block Explorer

Bitcoin Block Explorer is a web tool that provides detailed information about Bitcoin blocks, addresses, and transactions. 

🔸You may wonder how to use:


Bitcoin News

Bitcoin News: Latest News

CoinDesk — Leader in Blockchain News




比特币(BTC)是一种基于点对点网络运作的,采用 PoW 共识机制的加密货币。比特币不依赖任何中心化的机构做信用背书,而是通过区块链技术及加密算法,全网维护一个共同的账本,以此达到无需信任的目的。每笔比特币转账记录都会被全网矿工记录,每笔交易的有效性都要经过区块认证。

2008 年 10 月 31 日,中本聪发表比特币白皮书《Bitcoin:A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》 。2009 年 1 月 3 日首个比特币区块诞生。了解更多



比特币钱包可以帮助管理你的 BTC 资产,包括余额查询、转账等。。钱包中最重要的是钱包私钥,因为掌握了私钥,就可以控制私钥对应的比特币钱包地址里的 BTC 资产。






你可以多种方式来获取 BTC,其中最简单的方式就是购买。 市面上有许多可以购买 BTC 的数字货币交易所,但用户需要根据所处地址和付款方式选择合适的交易所。

在购买 BTC 之前,尝试在这里了解购买方式 & 风险等信息,便于你更安全快捷地完成购买。

🔸支持购买 BTC 的交易所

  • Coinbase
  • Binance
  • Huobi
  • ……




你可以通过去中心化平台或中心化平台交易你的 BTC 资产。

🔸去中心化交易所 Tokenlon

Tokenlon 是基于 0x 协议的去中心化交易所,旨在为用户提供「速度快」「价格优」「币种多」的交易体验。交易资产完全由用户掌握,无需充值、提现,即可借助 Tokenlon 快速完成币币兑换。 

Tokenlon 目前发行了 imBTC。imBTC 是 1:1 锚定 BTC 发行的以太坊代币,不同于 BTC,imBTC 持有者可以获得利息,也可以自由转账、赎回和兑换。了解更多


由交易所托管用户资金 ,提供数字货币流动性,具有学习成本低、撮合效率高等特点。

  • Binance
  • Huobi












中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto),自称日裔美国人,在 2008 年发布比特币白皮书《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》,2009 年他挖出了比特币的创世区块, 2011 年就消失在公众视野里,至今再也没有现身,他的真实身份一直是个谜。了解更多









比特币区块浏览器是一个查询比特币区块、交易、钱包地址等信息的网站,实时同步更新 BTC 所有节点信息。


